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Hyundai Tucson SE 2.7 AWD Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption tests for: Hyundai Tucson SE 2.7 AWD. Number of tests: 1 pcs. (2 data), latest at 2017-03-07. Average fuel consumption: 11.1 [L/100km] = 21.2 [mpg]. Average car age during test: 10 yr. Search filters: brand: hyundai, model: tucson, trim: se-2.7-awd,
Upload your fuel consumption test for: Hyundai Tucson SE 2.7 AWD.

Constant speed fuel consumption

no data
(1 pcs.)
24 mpg
no data no data
70 km/h
43 mph
90 km/h
56 mph
110 km/h
68 mph
130 km/h
81 mph

Fuel consumption in city

(1 pcs.)
19 mpg
no data no data
Light Normal Urban
Type of the city or traffic

Trim (1)

SE 2.7 AWD (1)


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Year of manufacture

2007 (1)

Fuel type

(0) (1)

Engine Displacement (cc = cm3)

±90 2648-2648

Power (ps or kW)

±9 ps (Horsepower) 175-175
or kW

Car weight (empty)

±90 kg 1668-1668
or lbs


(0) (1)

Weather conditions during the test

(0) (1) (0)

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