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How to do the fuel consumption test?

There two types of tests. Fuel consumption in city and Constant speed fuel consumption:

Fuel consumption in city

The average fuel consumption, driving only in city. How to do this test?

  1. Fill the tank (full) and write the actual mileage in the car (km1)
  2. Drive only in the city.
  3. After few days again fill the tank and write the used fuel (L) and new actual mileage in the car (km2).
  4. Calculate the fuel consumption, for example:
    Distance D = km2-km1 [km]
    Fuel consumption = L×100/D [L/100km]

If you use different units, you can use this: Fuel consumption calculator.

Constant speed fuel consumption

Fuel consumption driving with constant speed. How to do this test?

• If you have instantaneous fuel consumption (current fuel economy) on the dashboard:

fuel economy on dashboard

  1. Drive with constant speed and write down the fuel consumption, for example:
    70 km/h (43 mpg) => 6.5 L/100 km
    90 km/h (56 mpg) => 7.0 L/100 km
    110 km/h (68 mpg) => 8.0 L/100 km
    130 km/h (81 mpg) =>10.0 L/100 km
    If your dashboard shows other units (not L/100 km or mpg), you can use this: Fuel consumption converter
    You don't have to do the test for all four speeds.

• Or if you don't have instantaneous fuel consumption on the dashboard:

∼Constant speed
  1. This test can be done if you have posibility to drive with nearly constant speed between two gas stations.
  2. Fill the tank (full) and write the actual mileage in the car (km1)
  3. Drive with nearly constant speed to next gas station
  4. Fill the tank and write the used fuel (L) and new actual mileage in the car (km2).
  5. Calculate the fuel consumption, for example:
    Distance D = km2-km1 [km]
    Fuel consumption = L×100/D [L/100km]

If you use different units, you can use this: Fuel consumption calculator.

Avoid driving uphill or downhill during constant speed test.

Avoid very windy days for constant speed test.

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